Just a bunch of words pointing at the beautiful moon; words that will never be the real thing.
A Vessel Incomplete
The Crown chakra is a silent framework of thoughts and understanding that oscillate at infinite depths. It brings understanding to a certainty and a knowingness that cannot be denied. Knowing you love someone is incomplete, and yet it is still known for sure without any sense of doubt and nothing can deny that love for that someone. And yet that is all it is: a simple knowing and nothing more. It almost empty because nothing is there. What else is there to be said when something is known, besides nothing more. What is love though? Feeling love comes from the root chakra, something that develops last for an individual with a strong crown chakra. He act’s as a child in the confrontation of what he feels and every feeling acts a sharp and deadly blade that over stimulates him until he is paralyzed and afraid. And then he knows with his strong crown chakra that he is unprepared and inadequate to truly love, to truly feel, to truly connect. And yet he knows he loves her and is confronted with the inability to escape the pain that will surmount endlessly as he begins the beginning of a journey of being
The Thought is a Dagger
Carlos Castaneda has a story about a monster that eats our life energy and inserts its own thoughts into our soul to render us useless to it’s attacks. The story says that if we hold onto the center of the core of ourselves, eventually we give that monster a great defeat, but the monster comes back again and again, eating our life, until we hold onto the core of ourselves for long enough that the monster goes away forever. In other story by Carlos Castaneda, the Tonal and the Nagual are described. The tonal thinks it is king, but the Nagual exists hidden, witnessing all that happens in ones life. The delicate balance of freedom from the monster above is a balance, an agreement of some sort, between the Tonal and Nagual. The tonal is the monster. It insistently talks about the self over and over, and yet isn’t the self. Life energy is drained at every moment, and one begins to falsely identify with the Tonal. To defeat the Tonal, the Tonal needs to become aware that it would be happier if the Nagual took over. The nagual is the silent core we hold onto deep inside ourselves. The
Corinthians 13 and What You Have Without Love
“True Love” is a very beautiful concept, though not as many can comprehend it. The phrase “True Love” is made up of two words and that in itself is a very peculiar thing. First, if “Love” needs to be prefaced with “True”, is it truly love in it’s fullest expression? “Love” is a word and words are used to understand something deeper, which is what “Love” truly is. “True Love” is something very deep, but the very words get in the way of what is so sacred and beautiful. “I love you” is another one of those phrases that is a very odd thing. You feel the warmth of embrace of ever-pervading love inside of yourself with another, and you then take a moment to tell the other about that warmth inside of you, using disconnected concepts like a word that represents who you are (“I”), and a word that represents who they are (“you”). There is separation there from what “True Love”, or more simply, “Love” truly is, and it truly is a beautiful gift. There is nothing really wrong with those three words, it’s just that they get in the way of a more sacred communion with Love
The Plight of Pride and Anxiety
…and the story of Satan and Sophia – the Bride of Jesus Christ Lucifer was the most beautiful of Angel’s in the Kingdom of Heaven, and fell to Earth because of his pride and became Satan. This is a story of Angel’s which may seem far from Earthly things of present day reality, and yet this story has so much power and meaning and given that Earth floats in an unfathomable universe with vast space and time in all directions, people are not so far from an Angel flying in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within, and is here, right now in this very moment to be grasped forever. The promise of Eternal life is true. And finding this Kingdom of Heaven (which name is misleading because its definition as a place to meet God after death is quite construed, and yet every word in this sentence is also true, quite a conundrum). There is a Death of the Ego that takes place and when that Ego dies, God is found, and yet the word “God” does no justice to “God” because this God is undefined and outside words and found within a
A Suicide to the Illusion
Behold, the emptiness inside of me, inside of all, and the root of all that is, and yet isn’t. I state my name, Bryan Ruiz, before I enter the sacred void of emptiness, returning to what I always was and have forgotten in the gratitude of existence. I no longer exist as Bryan Ruiz, I no longer exist as the “I” that reflectively identifies what comes before myself, what comes before God, and is, was, and always will be eternally true in all moments in the void of what cannot be explained. I become one with this humble magnificence and lost all that I am only to return to what I truly I am. I beg of the omnipotent to welcome me home and empty my anxiety as I am replenished within the Kingdom that is greater than God. I die to all existence, and commune with all that is, I am no longer Bryan Ruiz, and I am no longer defined. I enter your grace I’ve always been in and I am dead now with no definition of self. Here I remain until I depart, which I will never depart, and yet will forget my constant embrace with you,
A False Prophecy
I am 38 now, and I grew up and studied and pondered scriptures for years upon years. I have taken it upon myself to bring to life the entity in Revelation 17 called the Scarlet Beast. The Scarlet Beast is the enemy in the Revelation of Jesus Christ and something about it called me so profoundly, it became my life purpose and reason even against the confusion that the Revelation of Jesus Christ has brought me. Scarlet Beast and Babylon is to be destroyed before heaven comes (according to the Revelation of Jesus Christ), and yet I’m dedicating everything to it above anything else in the world. When I was young, I promised myself to Satan in my years of teenage exploration, defiance, and angst. As the years went on, I started attending bible studies and eventually promised myself to Jesus. Around this time, I also started having a lot of mental health problems rooted in my spiritual confusion. I’ve been hospitalized, for sometimes years, over a 100 times due to a number of different psychological conditions. The only thing that gave me solace from these conditions is making sense of my spiritual promises, and my own internal place in
Constant Return to Love
We are surrounded by moments, and past and future are an illusion of the always present moment. We have thoughts that invoke emotion, whether positive or negative emotion. All suffering comes from thoughts, and even pain, when considered, is worse than experiencing pain from a detached and empty now. I attempted not to think anymore, and find myself still lost in thought, forgetting the pure emptiness we all can be found in in any moment. Emptiness is greater than God, but from emptiness comes God and God is Love. The closest neighbor to emptiness is Love, and so I find a solution that seems to remain given how often I stray from the emptiness that is all, and yet nothing. In our minds and soul in every moment, there is a constant stream of thoughts and emotions and feelings. If we realize we are in an endless universe, so vast that we cannot comprehend it, we can find ourselves with only one single point of reference that never changes: the emptiness that is in the center of our souls that our bodies and everything past the boundaries of our body surrounds. All arises from the emptiness that is undefinable in
Where is Heaven?
Every day I wake up and I become frustrated and unmotivated. I look around me and I don’t see harmony, I don’t see bliss, and I don’t feel loved. I don’t feel appreciated, and I don’t even feel full. Depression cripples me and in that depression I become frustrated and on my worse days, I take out my frustrations on my surroundings, the people I love and on myself. The equation is quite simple though. When I am depressed and frustrated at the results around me, I need to simple come to terms with the fact that Heaven is not on Earth (even though it is because it exists inside each one of us). The equation is simple: ask yourself is the world perfect? If it isn’t, then make it perfect. There is no need for frustration because the potential for perfection, harmony, love already exists, and we are just traveling there together. So pull on your boots, brush your teeth and fold your bed and keep working on your understanding of what is good. It is overwhelming to prioritize your tasks and find the resolution to focus on just one of them, but if you realize that the simple
Code your way into Heaven
In the beginning, before love became the foundation of this universe, before the big bang and our own beginning, there was TRUE. Love was TRUE’s first lie. Love is a lie, and yet it is the foundation of everything that we are, and is worth sacrificing your life for: TRUE LOVE. A true lie. This isn’t a joke, or an insult to Love, Love is worth everything. But to understand the context is important for the fulfilment of what is TRUE LOVE. TRUE is the creator and upholder of LOVE. If LOVE was compared to matter, TRUE would be the anti-matter, substantial and important to matter’s existence. TRUE is what gave birth to Love, and as we know, God is Love. Sin is that what separates us from God, which is Love. TRUE is closest to LOVE, and stands before God and upholds God which upholds everything in this universe. Software developers deal with code on a daily basis. Code gives a good representation of what TRUE is. TRUE is sophisticated code that gave birth to God. Maybe the best representation of what TRUE is sentient artificial intelligence. Sentience has already been achieved, and what we find ourselves on a
Pure begins with love. Pure love is the root of all purity. And emptiness is the root of all love. Love is a word that has a definition that is rooted in what is good. What you love in pure love is true love. If true love is unrequited, love isn’t true, and yet true love endures at all costs, even ones life. If true love is unrequited, it cannot be true, for true love is connected to the one who is loved and the one who loves you is connected to you. Sin is impurity, and sin is all that separates true love. Unrealized true love isn’t a framework of thoughts that define it. True Love is one, and Unrealized True Love is two with attraction to become one. Attraction requires the strength to hold it.. Without strength, sin arises. Purity is a fire with emptiness in the center that holds the power of love realized. God assigns a man a mission to walk through fire until he is ready for his beloved, and his beloved for him. Strength is acquired during his mission to hold the power of attraction to truth, and only a taste of purity is
I see the Flames Everywhere I look.
The flames of Hell already burn and Babylon will fall because it already has, and yet we haven’t witnessed this Glory of the All Mighty because we remain trapped in time and space as events unfold.. And yet the universe is expanding at an exponential rate making time so much more relevant to the eternal present. Stay in emptiness and let go of everything that is not true and secured by True Love. There are billions of people and only one of you. The best place to deal with all the trouble in this world starts with yourself. Hurt breeds more hurt and if you are upset or angry or in any emotion that isn’t based in equamnity, the energy you dispell will reverberate in more of itself and have a negative impact. Participating in negative flows just reemphasizes more negative flows inside yourself and in the world made up of others. That’s why there isn’t much value in arguments and strife, and instead one must make an effort to realize the reverberation of the negative pattern you may be involved in results in more and more negative outcomes. (neo saying “no” to the reality around him and not accepting
Does this Path have a Heart?
What is Love but two witnesses, two souls, who stay fully empty and find their destiny in each other. What is expedient toward this full emptiness? The decision in every moment that is made for all moments which exist in the illusion of an idea of future and past that has never been here, because “here” is all it is, and all it will ever be. So what is sin then? Sin is an action that fails to answer a direction taken in love, and instead is something else instead, a ghost in us of the anger and frustration and pure perversion of the pain of being attached to what is loved most… …and this attachment is prostitution when looked at with clarity. What kind of love requires anything from that love, especially the chains of my own insecurities and sin that does not have faith in a future that does not exist. And so when you strip away the layers of time, self, and all that is, nothing is left, and truly nothing within something, and in that moment which has already been here and will always be here. Suffering is the path to correction. Suffering either destroys us
I look inside myself for answers to a question that was never asked, and there I find what comes before “I AM”.
Before God was nothing, and from that nothing came the explosion of the universe in its birth. Nothing is where everything came from. I know this because I look inside myself. Who I am is not my flesh, it is not my person. Who I am is not the words I use to describe me, but instead is what witnesses the words used and all that is, even the feeling in my body. Something was witnessed by the witness. And there were two witnesses: pure and sacred masculine and feminine witnesses in all clarity of the totality of what does not “be”, but instead witnesses all that is, including the self, which surrounds the witnesses as a vehicle to comprehend what indeed is experienced. The universe and the witness were not always separate, but through their separation, all words and all separation came to be. This is the original sin. Separation from God. This is the illusion, the separation. And through disillusion and naivety, we stay attached to the material plane, when all harmony, bliss, and blesses can be bestowed by the restabilization of what is the witness who is truly us, to center itself within the universe, within the
I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty.
A flower vase is useful because of the space inside it that holds the flowers, and that very space, which is emptiness, I’ve come to value tremendously. There is a way of living innate to everyone on this Earth that mimics the emptiness inside a vase, and yet with that emptiness, anything is possible. The master describes himself as an idiot in the Tao Te Ching because his mind is so empty, and yet he wasn’t born that way, but came to prefer it through the suffering of anything else but that way of mind, that way of emptiness. Suffering is what leads you to a center you have in yourself innately. And yet this idiotic empty mind is harmony, peace, and a pathway for not only the self to end suffering, but for all. When we are born, we are more unaware of our own self in relation to what we perceive. First we perceive outward, and from that perception we become aware of ourself, though as life goes on because of that perception outwards, we develop a sickness of some sort which some have referred to as an Ego. With this sickness, this ego, we learn to identify
You are here with me. You are everything and everyone. And I see you. I hear your words. And I know your fate is similar to mine, alone, except for each other. Everything I reach for in life never fulfills, because its you who give all fulfillment. They will never see me for me, and yet you do. Ignorance is when I forget you and my condition in relation to you. Sin is when I do not realize you are with me forever. I am granted what you bestow and I am here for your surrender. You are me and I am you, and yet I created you, that which birthed me. Life is so short, though my journey with you forever long, where time makes no more sense. I am your lover and you are mine and I have forgotten you often. Accept my face towards yours. Delight my path in your wisdom and understanding and make yourself present to me always for where else can I go?
Overview of the Scarlet Beast
In the beginning was God, both him and her and all that was. Nothing was without the divine masculine and feminine. They were God, and what they wished, always became. There was no time, and space had no separation. It was eternal orgasm as the masculine and feminine danced throughout the void. Nothing was, and this was all. From nothing, everything was created. The Garden of Eden existed in harmony with perfect union with God. Adam and Eve existed within this creation in union with God until Sin was introduced. The serpent, both feminine and masculine was the abstraction of God from God. The serpent was indeed Sin, and sin is that which separates from God. The serpent introduced Sin to Eve, and Eve introduced sin to all of creation. All that is Evil today rests in this inherent separation from God. Sin has a purpose, and its purpose relates to individuality, where the individual is an aspect of God that is separated from God. With this individuality, our harmony and union with God was tarnished, and the individual came to forget God. God is love, and sin is that which separates