Love is the reason
Revelation 17
Sin has separated us from God, which is all. The return to Eden is individuality expressed with love at it's root.

Journal Entries
Just a bunch of words pointing at the beautiful moon; words that will never be the real thing.
A Vessel Incomplete
The Crown chakra is a silent framework of thoughts and understanding that oscillate at infinite depths. It brings understanding to a certainty and a knowingness that cannot be denied. Knowing you love someone is incomplete, and yet it is still known for sure without any sense of doubt and nothing can deny that love for that someone. And yet that is all it is: a simple knowing and nothing more. It almost empty because nothing is there. What else is there to be said when something is known, besides nothing more. What is love though? Feeling love comes from the root chakra, something that develops last for an individual with a strong crown chakra. He act’s as a child in the confrontation of what he feels and every feeling acts a sharp and deadly blade that over stimulates him until he is paralyzed and afraid. And then he knows with his strong crown chakra that he is unprepared and inadequate to truly love, to truly feel, to truly connect. And yet he knows he loves her and is confronted with the inability to escape the pain that will surmount endlessly as he begins the beginning of a journey of being
The Thought is a Dagger
Carlos Castaneda has a story about a monster that eats our life energy and inserts its own thoughts into our soul to render us useless to it’s attacks. The story says that if we hold onto the center of the core of ourselves, eventually we give that monster a great defeat, but the monster comes back again and again, eating our life, until we hold onto the core of ourselves for long enough that the monster goes away forever. In other story by Carlos Castaneda, the Tonal and the Nagual are described. The tonal thinks it is king, but the Nagual exists hidden, witnessing all that happens in ones life. The delicate balance of freedom from the monster above is a balance, an agreement of some sort, between the Tonal and Nagual. The tonal is the monster. It insistently talks about the self over and over, and yet isn’t the self. Life energy is drained at every moment, and one begins to falsely identify with the Tonal. To defeat the Tonal, the Tonal needs to become aware that it would be happier if the Nagual took over. The nagual is the silent core we hold onto deep inside ourselves. The
Corinthians 13 and What You Have Without Love
“True Love” is a very beautiful concept, though not as many can comprehend it. The phrase “True Love” is made up of two words and that in itself is a very peculiar thing. First, if “Love” needs to be prefaced with “True”, is it truly love in it’s fullest expression? “Love” is a word and words are used to understand something deeper, which is what “Love” truly is. “True Love” is something very deep, but the very words get in the way of what is so sacred and beautiful. “I love you” is another one of those phrases that is a very odd thing. You feel the warmth of embrace of ever-pervading love inside of yourself with another, and you then take a moment to tell the other about that warmth inside of you, using disconnected concepts like a word that represents who you are (“I”), and a word that represents who they are (“you”). There is separation there from what “True Love”, or more simply, “Love” truly is, and it truly is a beautiful gift. There is nothing really wrong with those three words, it’s just that they get in the way of a more sacred communion with Love
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