In the beginning was God, both him and her and all that was. Nothing was without the divine masculine and feminine. They were God, and what they wished, always became. There was no time, and space had no separation. It was eternal orgasm as the masculine and feminine danced throughout the void. Nothing was, and this was all.
From nothing, everything was created. The Garden of Eden existed in harmony with perfect union with God. Adam and Eve existed within this creation in union with God until Sin was introduced.
The serpent, both feminine and masculine was the abstraction of God from God. The serpent was indeed Sin, and sin is that which separates from God. The serpent introduced Sin to Eve, and Eve introduced sin to all of creation. All that is Evil today rests in this inherent separation from God. Sin has a purpose, and its purpose relates to individuality, where the individual is an aspect of God that is separated from God. With this individuality, our harmony and union with God was tarnished, and the individual came to forget God.
God is love, and sin is that which separates the individual from love. All is a falling away from love, and all is a return to the divinity and sacredness of love.
The universe is imperfection returning to perfection. Nothing else can be within the energetic essence of everything that is. All energy follows the rhythm of attraction and repulsion until all rhythms return to perfect love.
Sin was conquered with Jesus at the cross, and all sin will dissolve until all is in harmony. This has already happened, with the current play of the universe resolving into that harmony as time goes on. It is now a waiting game, with those who realize the truth waiting for those who do not.
We all are God. We all are love. Jesus is God, and we all are Jesus. Jesus dwells within us all. The Kingdom of God is a seed within that creates awe, glory, and beauty as a fountain that erupts from our hearts. There is no other way.
Money is a form of sustained power. Power exists because an imbalance exists. This imbalance causes suffering, and money returns to those who correct the imbalance. Any imbalance in a universal energetic sphere is suffering. Power exists because imbalance exists and when balance is established, power ceases and the dream fades away like the glorious sunset that fades into eternal peace.
The Scarlet Beast represents this imbalance catalyzed to balance, rhythm and vibes. The organization is doomed and collapses upon itself as its purpose is fulfilled and served.